My grandmother used to say, "Don't sacrifice your future for a fancy" or
Don't cut down a tree just cause you need some kindlin'" In other words, Don't jeopardize what you really want for something you "think" you want right now. There are many variations of this quote and they all mean the same thing and can be applied to lots of different aspects of our lives.... time, money, sacrifice,etc. I have been so wrapped up in a political situation regarding our local schools that I've really let things go, not just housework and stuff, but friendships and time with my family. I'm glad that I will be out of town for our election this Tuesday or I would be going crazy. This trip was planned before I knew when the election was, but God knew. I've decided that I have to take a step back. Instead of being concerned with what I want to focus on, or even what my family wants me to focus on (what for lunch? where's the ketchup? is my uniform clean?)I have to learn what God is concerned with. I can't be supermom, superwife, super(cleaning)lady, supercook, superfriend, blah blah blah In the course of events, I wind up not being super at anything, just mediocre at best. This is not a pity party, just a quick glance myself and simply not being thrilled with some areas. I also see it all around me. I think we are sometimes so involved that we can't evolve into what God wants us to become. My goal this summer is to slow down. I have canceled several activities and have refused to say yes to anything (especially my kids activities) without praying about it. I have deemed this my summer of sanity, so we started with a camping trip. Brian wanted to go but I just couldn't see how... I had so much to do. No food prepared, laundry undone,etc. Instead of worrying about my timing, I said why not. Away we went and had a great time. Mom even came down for the day and she did great. I'm trying to put aside my priorities for principles. My family and friends deserve better, but most of all my God deserves better.