Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shelby's Birthday

It seems that I can be good at blogging or parenting, but not both. I just can't seem to find the time. So much for tons of free time with the kids in school. I have about 6 precious hours to myself and so far have done nothing fun. I can't even find time to cut my own toenails much less have a pedicure. I am working one day a week and rest is filled with delivering meals, Bible study, projects at home, and selling on ebay (my new part time job). I don't know what time Oprah comes on and I'm not sure what a bon-bon actually taste like. Brian is working in Charlotte Mon-Sat so that leaves lots of taxi service to tend to. I am counting the days until football is over.

We celebrated Shelby's birthday this weekend while Brian was home. She has wanted this huge green chair since she saw one at a friends house months ago. I've had everyone looking for one and a friend came through a few weeks ago. I should have known they were at the mall... the one place I won't go (or Wal-Mart). I'm trying to break the record for the longest time a woman can avoid the mall. So far it's been over a year for the mall and 7 months for Wal-Mart. I'm a much happier person for it too.

Anyhow, here is a picture of Shelby with her big green chair. She wants to sleep in it tonight. That won't last long.

I am doing a precept Bible study on the sermon on the mount. It is so great, something I needed a long time ago. It has really made me look at lots of things differently. Don't expect me to become a nice person, that will only happen when the pod people come. I do hope to be a little more patient though. A little compassion would be earth-shattering. Humbleness would be quite a change but seems a little boring. I'd just settle for a constant reminder of who I represent... that would take care of it all. Brian says I'll get there someday... when I have dementia and the opposite personality takes over. See? there's always something to look forward to!

Love you guys and I plan on seeing you at Christmas.

Monday, August 11, 2008

more pics

pics from D.C trip

Washington D.C. trip

Sorry I haven't blogged this summer, it's just been a crazy summer. I can't believe school starts next week! Anyhow, I wanted to blog about our trip to D.C. this past week. It was an awesome trip that I highly recommend.
We took the Amtrak train which was an adventure but I can't say that I would recommend it. We left Greenville after midnight, thinking we would sleep on the way. Didn't happen... the train was very noisy, people boarding at 3 a.m. oblivious to that fact that everyone on the train was trying to sleep and it was freezing. I'm as hot natured at they come and I was cold! We arrived in Alexandria at 9 a.m. looking so forward to crashing for a while in our condo. Our reservations had us arriving the night before and I had called ahead to let them know we wanted to check in that morning. They said our rooms wouldn't be ready until 2:00. I did the chain of command routine and got nowhere. Shelby was so tired she was almost in tears. Now there happened to be a victorian parlor in the lobby entrance, you know the type... beautiful chairs and such that aren't meant to be sat on or used. I put a child on each George Washington era sofa with pillow and blanket (I did have them remove their shoes). I got out the Martha Washington tea cart and sat out my Mt. Dew, Cheez-Its and various fruits. Brian napped in a wingback but refused to snore for me. I hid our luggage behind the fireplace to enhance the homeless shelter look (if only I could have snagged a shopping cart from the street). After appalling looks from arriving guests (most of them from New York) and the stink eye from management... we were in our condo in 20 minutes. God works in mysterious ways and I just like to help out when I can.
We attended church at the National Cathedral Sunday morning. It was breathtaking in beauty, but I felt very lacking in God's presence. It was too much pomp and circumstance for me. A very unhappy looking bishop passed us during the service. I whispered to Shelby how unhappy he looked and she non-whispered back "of course he's unhappy, they make him wear a dress".
We were able to tour the White House. The first thing Shelby said about the White House is that it sure needs some shutters for color. I strongly agree! I spent more time filling out security information in order to get a tour than the actual tour itself. You see about 4 rooms that 50 people are trying to view at once through a small doorway. As disappointing as the White House was, the Capitol tour made up for it. I had no idea the Capitol was so beautiful. We had an escorted tour with a staff member of Senator DeMint's office. We able to ride the underground tram to the Capitol and view hallways and areas not available to the public. Every inch of these hallways were painted with nature scenes some Italian guy did. He painted all over the Capitol for 50 years! Caleb got to give a speech in the Senate Room (pic) the senators are all at their beach houses this week.
We loved getting around D.C. The metro was right outside our condo and is a great way to get around (pic) People were very friendly in giving directions. Brian won't ask (man thang) but it doesn't bother me. If they came to my house and they needed to bushhog a field or gather eggs... I bet they would need directions.
We walked so much in 7 days that I wore out a pair of tennis shoes. Mount Vernon was one of the best days. They had games for the kids (pic) and we could have stayed there for a week. The guy shown in period costume asked Shelby "If you could talk to anyone in history.. dead or alive... who would it be?" Shelby replied "I'd chose the live person". He laughed all day.
We saw lots of artwork in D.C. (pic) at least they call it artwork. I wanted to stand up and scream The Emporor Has No Clothes. We did see the original Kermit that Jim Henson made from his mother's coat. The historical paintings were awesome, the modern structures and such were just a bunch of crap... our tax dollars at work.
Of all the museums we toured, Caleb loved the Spy Museum. Shelby loved all the escalators and the metro. It was an awesome family trip with something for everyone. I looked forward to the Museum of Natural History, but it was mostly about evolution. We don't even get to claim we are from apes anymore. We all came from a rat named Maggie according to the Museum.(pic) More crap, but I did see the Hope Diamond.
There are a lot of homeless people in D.C. which is sad. It really bothers Shelby, she would have given all her money to homeless guys if I let her. Overall though, it is a clean city and we felt very safe even at night walking around. I had heard people were very rude, but didn't seem to find that to be the case. Caleb and I did our "Philly experiment" that we do in all large cities. We made eye contact and smiled, most smiled back and spoke. We only had once back experience. A guy carrying soft drinks to a "Haje Hut"(there are NO Caucasians in food service) spoke some rather harsh language to Caleb. We ignored him, but it bothered me. We later found ourselves at the same corner and saw him sitting outside the vendor trailer. I walked up to Osama and put a $100 bill on the counter and said I needed all the ice creams bars it would buy. He seemed excited and started getting them out. I then asked if the man worked for him ,pointing to the earlier offender. He said yes and I said nevermind, taking back my money. I told him that his guy needed to watch his language around children and that he wouldn't get any of my money. I know it did no good whatsoever, but I felt better.
We thought we were well prepared for the train ride home. We purchased blankets, sweatshirts, and ear plugs. It was like a sauna on the return trip. Oh well, it was still a great trip.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


My grandmother used to say, "Don't sacrifice your future for a fancy" or
Don't cut down a tree just cause you need some kindlin'" In other words, Don't jeopardize what you really want for something you "think" you want right now. There are many variations of this quote and they all mean the same thing and can be applied to lots of different aspects of our lives.... time, money, sacrifice,etc. I have been so wrapped up in a political situation regarding our local schools that I've really let things go, not just housework and stuff, but friendships and time with my family. I'm glad that I will be out of town for our election this Tuesday or I would be going crazy. This trip was planned before I knew when the election was, but God knew. I've decided that I have to take a step back. Instead of being concerned with what I want to focus on, or even what my family wants me to focus on (what for lunch? where's the ketchup? is my uniform clean?)I have to learn what God is concerned with. I can't be supermom, superwife, super(cleaning)lady, supercook, superfriend, blah blah blah In the course of events, I wind up not being super at anything, just mediocre at best. This is not a pity party, just a quick glance myself and simply not being thrilled with some areas. I also see it all around me. I think we are sometimes so involved that we can't evolve into what God wants us to become. My goal this summer is to slow down. I have canceled several activities and have refused to say yes to anything (especially my kids activities) without praying about it. I have deemed this my summer of sanity, so we started with a camping trip. Brian wanted to go but I just couldn't see how... I had so much to do. No food prepared, laundry undone,etc. Instead of worrying about my timing, I said why not. Away we went and had a great time. Mom even came down for the day and she did great. I'm trying to put aside my priorities for principles. My family and friends deserve better, but most of all my God deserves better.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Can I have a life now?

I know it is very selfish, but I'm hoping to have a life for a few weeks. Caleb's soccer ended abruptly Saturday morning. They lost the first game in tournament so the season was over. They had hoped to play 2 or 3 games on Saturday. On the way home, Caleb was so dejected. I really put up a good front for encouragement, but I have to admit that inside I was doing the happy chicken dance. I can finally have a Saturday and evenings to do stuff around the house or maybe even dinner or a movie.... yippee!
Brian won't be home for another couple of weeks (he's my messy child) so I might even have time to read a book! Once school is out though... all bets are off.

Mom won't be going to the doctor over the next few weeks and hopefully won't be making any more trips to the hospital either. She is feeling better and eating some. She doesn't have cancer or amyloidosis. We don't know what she has, but she is taking a break from tests/medicines to try to clear out toxins in her body. All this has made me stop and think about losing her, which would be devastating. It wouldn't just be my Mom, but my best friend. More than anything, I want my kids to grow up with a grandma and have fond memories of her.

Regardless of how you feel about your Mom, good bad or ugly... cherish your time with her. She did give you life and she will not be around forever. How you treat your parents is a lesson for your children. I want my kids to see me as a giving, caring daughter for my parents. You know giving and caring does not come naturally with me, but selfishness does and I want my kids to treat me well when I am old also!

We only have a few weeks of spring here in South Carolina. Soon it will be too hot to enjoy working in the yard. Since none of you guys are going to visit me here (except Jody) I guess I have to post some pics next time.

I really appreciate all your prayers and thoughts for Mom. See you soon!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm back!

Most of you know that we've had a crisis with my Mom. She has been very ill for about 10 months. She has been to numerous doctors and had numerous test. She was put in the hospital last week with kidney failure, yet another new symptom. She had decided she would not see a new doctor, refused more tests,etc. She was frustrated and just wanted to go home and die in her own bed. Well, they finally discovered she has a rare disease call amyloidosis. She's had a bone marrow biopsy (clear, PTL) and a kidney biopsy (don't know yet). She's hoping to come home today or tomorrow. Her spirits are much better since getting a diagnosis, even though it isn's a great one - it could be worse.
Thank you for all your emails and prayers and I will keep you updated.

I'm still trying to be Mom, Dad, and dutiful daughter. I'm counting the days until soccer is over and every evening and Saturday won't be spent watching that very exciting sport.... NOT! I got one of the coveted parking spots Tuesday night where you can watch the game from the vehicle. One minute I was pretending to watch the game (while I secretly read a book) and the next minute Caleb was jumping in the car saying "Wake Up, you missed the game!". Oh well, I've never even been considered for Mother of the Year and guess I won't get it again this year. At least I got a good nap.

Homeschool is very hit and miss these days. i love working in the yard while it's still cool enough to not spontaneously combust into flames which would scare the Shelby, so we have added gardening to our curriculum. Brian put in a HUGE garden... then left, but it's going good so far. Everyone I know may be getting frozen corn and canned green beans for Christmas. We are going to try a Christmas with all homemade gifts.... stop laughing and just be thankful if you aren't on my list. Shelby and I are trying to crochet. My pot holders actually come out in the shape of a pot. I think I could sew two together and maybe make a hat. Shelby's doing better than I. I may go back to quilting. I'll probably cheat and just go buy something that looks homemade. Those little tags that say "Made By Vicki" don't take but just a minute to sew on.

You'd think as busy as I've been that I would have lots to say. Maybe I need to save up all the money I'll save from homemade Christmas gifts and buy me a life. Actually, I'm right where I want to be. I have healthy kids, chickens, a new dog Biscuit (picture) and a hubby sending me money every week!!! Biscuit was a dog that a friend had, she is half welsh corgi and half alaskan husky. She was taking her to the pound because her larger dog abused her. I just couldn't let that happen. I had her for over a week before telling Brian. He didn't ask for a divorce so I guess that means we can keep her. I think she has been abused by humans also, but she's getting "affection overload" at our house and hopefully will heal.

We opened the pool this week, the water is a balmy 62 degrees, but my part polar bear chidren love it. I tried to get in to vacuum. My teeth chattered so that it gave me a headache.

I'm still planning on coming to Arkansas June 5-15 with/without Mom. I hope she can make it. Brian will come up from Ft. Worth and drive back with us. He should be through by then, unless he gets called to Arkansas to work the tornado damage.

Love you guys and see you soon!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Things to be thankful for

A friend is posting 1000 things to be thankful for. That motivated me to see how quickly I could come up with 1000 things. Well, it doesn't take long! Here are two of my favorites. My view that I wake up to every morning. There is always a fog at the bottom of the hill, sometimes with deer feeding. It's almost spooky as they move around in the fog, but I love it and its constant changing with the seasons. This is one of the reasons I won't leave my house and move back to Arkansas. My other is flowers. I LOVE flowers. They are one of God's greatest inventions. This flower keeps coming back year after year and it blooms from November to May. It is the best thing during those cold winter months too see this every morning on my porch. It reminds me that no matter how bleak and awful things look, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for!

Shelby had her first sleepover party this past weekend. Neither of my kids like to spend the night anywhere else but home. Shelby wants everyone to stay in one house, even grandparents. I worry that she's a future commune resident. Anyhow, I worried so about her party and expected a midnight call. I picked her up the next morning (yes, I was one of the first moms there) and she was lit up. She said, Mom, that was the BEST sleepover I've ever had! She things she's a pro now.

My mom is still sick, but she is eating some. She wanted mexican tonight, and kept it down! She goes back the doc on Friday, I'll keep you posted.

Brian got called out to Ft. Worth Texas. He may be gone a week or 6 months, who knows? Please pray for his safety. Pray for me too as I now have to do all the mowing and bushhogging around here, not the mention Caleb's soccer team and my new position as coach. What a joke that is. It's always very hard for a week or so when Brian leaves. I get used to it and then it's difficult when her returns! He loves adjuster work though, so I'm very happy that he got called out. He's much happier when he's challenged... you'd think living with me would be enough of that.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Since this blog is sort of a journal for me, I want to wish myself Happy Anniversary. We have been married 15 years today. I wanted to get married on April Fools Day as I thought that would be a good legal strategy to get out of it easily if I wanted to. You know... the old "just kidding" defense. I've never actually considered leaving Brian, but I have thought about killing him a time or two. I could never kill him because I'd have to change my email address. That would be even too tacky for me!!! We've made it so far though and I don't regret a minute of it. We went to Hawaii back in November for our anniversary. I've never had a desire to go to Hawaii, Alaska and New Zealand are my dream trips. But the trip was free and well... it was Hawaii or downtown Spartanburg for our special treat. So today I'm trying to finish my Hawaii photo album and reliving a little Oloha! Hawaii was the most beautiful place I've ever been. It is sensory overload in the natural beauty department, especially Kauai. Experiencing Hawaii was such a blessing of God's gift to us in nature.I highly recommend it, plus there are chickens everywhere! However, I am one of very few that appreciated them - especially when they crowed at 4:00 a.m.every day.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo, what a ride!!!"

Couldn't find the Biblical reference for this verse, but I'm sure it's there somewhere and I'll keep looking.

Lake Lure trip

We had a great time at Lake Lure, it is absolutely one of the most beautiful lakes I've ever seen. Four days with no guys, chocolate, and lots of books.... it was heaven! Shelby and I swam and got in the sauna every day. We played miniature golf, worked on our crocheting, and watched tv (a rare treat for me!). We walked to the pool one morning (inside pool) and when we came out in our suits and flip-flops... it was snowing! All the trees and forsythia were in full bloom and it was snowing like crazy!
I forgot my camera, so I got a disposable and will have pics at a later date.
My Mom had her biopsy this morning. Everything went well. They got a nice size sample and we will know something in a day or two. She got very nauseated, so they gave her something to knock her our for the rest of the day. I haven't talked to her yet, but will see her tomorrow.
I know this is tacky, but hey... it's me! Here is a picture from my cousins funeral. He had a camouflage casket, and as you can tell the pallbearers wore camo too. However the flower adds a nice touch. His funeral wreaths said Gone Fishin' or Gone Huntin'. What you can't see are the deer antlers on the ends and his buddies favorites hats/fishing lures inside. I've decided if he can do this... I can do what I want. I'm writing my will to be cremated and scattered at my favorite local flea market. I've asked a friend to just put me in a holy pocket and give it a little shake as she walks around.
I'll keep you posted on Mama Lou. I appreciate all your prayers and thoughts. Love you guys! Vic

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Family news

There is good news and bad. Here is the good news, this is one of my new day old chicks. They are so tiny, they fit in a dixie cup. They like to spend time in the pocket of my old flannel shirt because I am their momma. They chirp loudly when they want out to eat and poop, then they want back in.
The bad news is that we've had another death in the family. We were all out for lunch Saturday having a great time. My mom seems so relaxed and in good spirits. She was looking so forward to our "girls only" vacation to Lake Lure next week and had a great attitude about her mother passing away. She got a phone call and I knew immediately that something was wrong. My cousin, Mark (MamaLou's sister's son) lives in northern Arkansas and had a heart attack. He was in a coma and they felt sure there was brain damage due to lack of oxygen. He never woke up and died last night. My aunt just lost her mom and now a son. The worst thing is that she is not sure he is in heaven right now. Mark was a great guy. He would do anything for you. As children, we spent many summers at their farm. Mark was always the peacemaker. He would step in when we crossed the line picking on my nerdy brothers, and it was usually me crossing that line. We couldn't go to the local swimming hole until all the eggs were gathered from their commercial chicken houses. I was terrified of these chickens and very slow to finish my row. Everyone else left me and headed to the swimming hole. Mark always stayed and helped me gather eggs. One time I got bit by a Shetland pony on my leg. Mark carried me for almost 2 miles back to the house. These are the memories I have of Mark. However, as an adult he had a rough life. A back injury lead to addiction to pain killers and heavy drinking. He's always smoked heavily too. Years ago, doctors warned him to quit smoking/drinking in order to live, but he would not quit. He was one of five siblings, but I think he was his mama's favorite. He was always my favorite cousin.
Anyhow, my mom is leaving at 4am in the morning to come back to Arkansas. There are supposed to be severe storms today, so they are waiting until tomorrow. She has had to cancel her biopsy AGAIN! I know her oncologist is put out, just pray he will be willing to reschedule ASAP.
Please pray for my aunt. She has had a very difficult year. She is losing sight in one eye and her eye bleeds. She has been the one to deal with my grandmother for the last year and her ordeals. She has now lost her mother and son in a couple of weeks.
We also found out that my Dad's kidney's are shutting down. He has canceled his doctor appointment also regarding that.
Other than lots of worrying, we are doing fine here. Soccer is starting up, so life is a little crazy for about 8 weeks. Shelby and I are still going to Lake Lure, but we are taking Caleb out of school for a few days so that the boys can join us midweek. I'm looking forward to a couple of days of HGTV, chocolate, and reading... I'm just not sure I can do it justice without my Mom or Becky.
I'll keep you guys posted. Please pray for my Mama Lou, she is extremely stressed and does not feel well at all.
Love you guys!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What makes your day?

I have been in kind of a funk lately, a little stressed. Now you girls can have your jewelry and roses... my husband really knows how to cheer a girl up. He brought home baby chicks last night. I was so happy!!! They are about 3 in. tall, named chocolate and butterfinger (the kids get to name all our pets). Even if you don't like chickens, you have to admit these are adorable. I have felt guilty because I don't feel grief over my grandmother dying, but more like relief. It's the first death I've experienced that has made me feel that way and it seems strange. Anyhow, I feel much better. I also finished a scarf while sitting in car line every day. Here's a pic with Shelby wearing it. You would know what an accomplishment this is for me if you had seen me trying to learn to crochet. I'm sure I've unraveled more than I've crocheted. Thanks Leah!
Mom and I had a girl day yesterday which meant eating at our favorite Chinese place (Grandpa won't go to a chinese place). Then we went shopping at our favorite stores, Hobby Lobby, Tuesday Morning, and of course the new Goodwill store. I marked my calendar yesterday. It was the first time in history that I didn't spend a dime while shopping at Hobby Lobby, I was so proud. However, I did find quite the bargains at Goodwill. Our Goodwill's are not at all like the ones in Arkansas, they are very nice, clean, and don't smell like urine (that's my memory of stores there, sorry). Some have upscale sections with only name brands and even have theft monitors in the clothing! My children think Goodwill and Kohl's are the only place you can shop for clothes. I haven't set foot in a mall clothing store in 7 years. Shelby loves the mall but all she wants to do is ride the escalator and eat at the food court. She cares nothing for shopping so it is a great outing for her and Grandpa.
Well, I'm rambling so that must mean I feel better huh?
Anyhow, I just wanted to show off my chickens. It's a good thing I don't live there anymore or I'd be giving you all baby chicks.... just try to tell your kids no to one of those!
See ya!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Update on the family

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, life gets a little crazy sometimes. My grandmother passed away this past week. She had been in a home and had dementia. She was a very sweet person but had a personality change with this condition. Someone said dementia will make you the opposite of your normal personality. My hubby says there is hope for me afterall to someday be a sweet subservient wife. Thank goodness! by then I'll be so old I won't have to remember it! My mom may possibly have lymphoma, but the death of nannie has put that diagnosis on hold. Mama Lou (what everyone calls my mom) needs to concentrate on her own health and hopefully that will happen now. My poor hubby has been in extreme pain for a week with an abscessed tooth. We've all had the flu. Life has been so much fun for the past few weeks. It could be worse.... I could be pregnant and look like my driver's license!
I'm going away with my mom and daughter for a week to Lake Lure NC in a couple of weeks. I can't wait!!! Then it's off for a family camping trip for a few days. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers over the last few weeks. I really hope my life will get back on schedule and maybe I can blog then. I miss you guys, hope to see you in June!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


There is something I've been thinking a lot about lately, friendships. In my head, my thoughts sound pretty good... but somewhere between the head and tongue - there seems to be a very confusing intersection with train wrecks daily. However, a very good friend has said many things I would like to. Her blog is Many of you already know her. Her blog this morning was like the heavens opening up. I too feel like a rotton friend sometimes, particularly to my Arkansas girlfriends. Since only my razorback chicks read this, I guess I can say this one's for you. I don't see most of you very often, but that isn't to say you aren't thought of. I have a friend that was my ONLY bridesmaid that I never talk to, but hardly a day goes by that I don't think of her. What kind of friend is that? My husband thinks he's short-changed as so do my kids. I know that time for me will have to wait until I can enjoy it in a nursing home. Between home/laundry/work/kids/husband/church/etc etc. there is never enough time. You know what I mean. Then I feel guilty. Then I realize God has been neglected in the mix and REALLY feel guilty. If you've looked at my blog, you know I've been quilting. What you may not know is that this takes place at 2 or 3 a.m. when I can't sleep because I worry about what I DIDN'T get done that. I am reading a series with my son and have stopped to work on his quilt. He asked me again last night to read and I said I was almost finished with his quilt. He said "Mom, I don't want that quilt if it means you can't spend any time with me". One thing I have learned is that you only need to ask you children (if they are young) to learn what your fault of the day is. So to my girlfriends in Arkansas, I say thank you for still being my friend after all these years of neglect. I love you and I think of you often. I would like to say it will get better, but it won't. I too have to put God first, then hubby/family/church/home/fighting with House of Representative (long story)/ work, blah blah blah. It seems like there just isn't time for friendships, no matter how dear to my heart. All I can say is that I hope when our kids are grown, we can sit on the porch and catch up. We'll have to wear name tags to remember who we are and we won't remember all the things we wanted to catch up on, but we can discuss the best brand of adult diapers and such. I miss you all and hope to see you this summer! DeAnn, if you read this - I promise I am going to try to stay in touch.

Attention: Egg-Citing Life

GINA - if you read this, please email me at and I'll give you my REAL email! I can't submit comments to your blog, are you blocking me? When have you ever know me to say something I shouldn't say? I love your blog, even Brian likes to catch up on what's happening with Brad. Miss you guys.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Am Back!

I have finally returned. I can't believe it's been so long since I blogged until I looked at my friend's blogs today and had to go WAY back to catch up. My family and I have been sick, but my time has mostly been consumed with a battle with our state politicians. We are desperately fighting school consolidation here in South Carolina. I won't go into it, because I could write a book... let's just say it is a David and Goliath fight and Goliath has lots of money and lawyers. I would appreciate any ammunition you might have on school consolidation and I would really appreciate your prayers on this matter.

Enough about that. Since I don't sleep much... so I have been quilting and crocheting. I'm not much of a TV person. I have made some great headbands for my daughter. I have a picture of my son with one on (she wouldn't pose). I made my son a razorback quilt. So I guess I have accomplished some things in the last few weeks, but it doesn't seem like it.

I really miss my Arkansas friends. I look forward to emails and love to hear about things going on there. Keep me posted!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pity party

You guys should have been at my house last night, I threw a big pity party... for myself. It has been a busy week and I was very discouraged because there was a pile of laundry and the house was a wreck. Everything looked just like it did a week ago, before I cleaned and did laundry all day! So why bother? If you look up scullery maid in the dictionary..... there's my picture!! So instead of staying up until midnight to get some things done, I read and went to bed early. That is a treat for me.

But I got up this morning with a new attitude and what do I read first thing? She tends to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Prov. 31:27 Talk about a guilt trip. Other than the eating the bread part, I hate that verse sometimes.

When my husband and I were dating, we hiked up Pinnacle Mountain one evening. He pulled out a small bible and read Proverbs 31 to me. He said he had found his Proverbs 31 woman and I was very upset. I thought he was telling me he had found someone else, but he was proposing!!! I don't think I'm that kind of women, but he seems to think so and still does after 15 years.

I've decided it changes, TODAY. Instead of thinking about all the bread of idleness that I don't get to eat today... I'll be thankful to have a house to clean, clothes to wash, and dishes to hide from my husband. You girls can have your shoes and clothes, give me dishes and books!

I must go, I have to practice my Proverbs.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A REAL snow day!!!

After our pretend snow day on Monday, we had a real snow day on Thursday. We knew Wednesday night that there would not be any school on Thursday.... so I was so looking forward to sleeping late. Of course, before 7:00 a.m. I had two little Michelin man looking children standing over me..."let's go, let's go!" So we sledded all morning, then a huge breakfast! So much for weight watchers, hopefully I sledded some of it off. I spend the afternoon sewing while the kids played outside. It was an awesome day! Here is a pic.
Today (Saturday) it is snowing very heavily as I write. It's too warm to stick, but I would love to have about 2 feet by morning. I know it will never happen here, but I can wish! If the Lord ever chooses to answer my 8 year old's prayers, we will have lots of snow!
I have been getting ready to do our taxes, yuk! and also reviewed our 2007 expenses with the hubby this morning, double yuk! However, he took it pretty well. We have not lived within our means, but have been extremely blessed. I'm big on number crunching and I still can't figure out where some of the money comes from, it's a God thang!!! I am very concerned about our economy. As I prepare our budget for the upcoming year, I know we will be tightening our belts because I think things will get much worse. I try not to be a pessimist, but I think the bubble has to burst. Just remember, God is in control. As we have elections here today, I repeated that over and over.
I think I will go out and enjoy the snow, it may be years before we see it again!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Snow Day

Living in the south, we hardly ever get a snow day. My son was out of school Monday and happens to be on crutches temporarily. Since he can't play and I wanted to stay home, I declared it a snow day. My kids got the cook hot dogs over a fire while sipping hot chocolate. I wanted to pretend the power was out, but I was dying to sew. My kids played games or watched videos all day and let me have a whole day to myself (sort of) which is a very rare event. I had an hour of quiet time, which is unheard of, finished a book, and made a quilt for a very special young lady (see pics). My daughter even helped and she's only 8! I know everyday can't be such a perfect day. If everyday were like this one, it would not be so greatly appreciated. Most days include so much business, that I seldom have time to really think about things. I have time to worry about them, but not truly reflect. I think a lot of us are not to busy to pray about things, but we don't have time to listen to God's answers... kind of counter-productive don't you think? I love the verse Be still and know that I am God. I plan to take more snow days and listen to the still small voice.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lessons from quilting

Two blogs in one morning? Can you tell I'm avoiding cleaning my house? I just wanted to share what I've learned from quilting. It is truly a labor of love, those amish women that charge $800 for a quilt earn every penny of it!!! If I had to choose between prostitution (stop laughing) and quilting for a living... let's just say I'd be sore and it wouldn't be my fingers. Anyhow, one thing I've grown to appreciate through quilting is the big picture. You can't see it when your head is bent and you're feverishly working on a quilt (or life). Even when you look up and try to view the big pic (or dream it) you just can't see it... only God can sometimes, but it's still there. That's the main thing. Here are a few other things that have been brought to my attention through quilting.

1. Listen to advice of others that have been there... no, don't just listen but treasure this advice.
2. Don't hurry with something that is a worthwhile project (see my first quilt).
3. Invest in the good stuff if you want it to last, i.e. don't buy fabric at Wal-Mart (again, see 1st quilt).
4. Any great endeavor requires blood, sweat, and tears but it's worth it (see several squares of 1st quilt, do you notice a pattern here?)
5. When you are doing something for someone, focus on the love you have for that special person, not the project at hand. I love to quilt for someone special but you couldn't pay me enough to do it for a stranger. If I get frustrated, I think about how special this person is and how much they will enjoy this quilt. This frame of mind also comes in handy when you have to clean up throw up at 3 a.m.

My children are drawing pictures on the furniture dust... I must get busy.


If you don't enjoy quilts.. don't read this one. I know you're thinking 'I thought this was Vicki's blog?" Just because I'm not Martha Stewart doesn't mean I can't quilt. People seem so surprised that I can actually make a quilt... is that a compliment? Anyhow, I'm including some pictures of Shelby's quilt, my Mom's quilt, and my first quilt I made. I'm also showing Shelby's room which her babysitter painted for her. You thought I did that? Are you kidding, I can't draw stick men. I'm not allowed to play pictionary with my family. They fight over who "has to take mommy" on their team. Anyhow, I hopy you enjoy these pics. Again, I must say that if you'd come visit me you would have already seen these items.

I had a great time in Arkansas, it always makes me want to move back but I'm getting over it. We are 4 hours from the beach and hope to drive 2 hrs. to snow ski next week. We don't have tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes. I'm too old and fat to survive an Arkansas August again. I have a great old farmhouse with a few acres. Arkansas will truly always be home, but South Carolina is "where I stays". I miss you guys and hope to visit again soon.