I can't believe that I have a NEW car, with the smell and everything~! Since Brian and I are both tightwads...well he's a tightwad - I'm just frugal, we decided to take advantage of our country's obamanation...err, I mean administration and get a little stimulus money. It'll be the only money we'll see coming our way from Uncle Sam. Brian was sad, but it was time to say goodbye (I said good riddance) to his little blue truck. It has over 250K miles and was 20 years old, the only thing he's had longer than me! We haven't owned a car in 20 years either, just trucks/suv. It's rather cramped, but great on gas. She's very cute and her name is Ruby.
This summer has flown by, I can't believe school is starting next week. I canned about 75 quarts of green beans this summer, along with putting up corn, peaches, peas, and tomatoes. We had an awesome vacation in Florida, including a cruise with all the Hart clan. Other than gardening, most days have been spent playing in the pool or toting my kids here & there. I'm ready for fall though, ready for cooler weather, football, and a routine.
God is awesome!