Well I guess if I can only manage this every few months, I shouldn't bother. I just wanted to share my valentine present. You girls can have your candy, jewelry, flowers,etc. What makes my heart skip a beat is handyman work. I love it when Brian completes a project on my "honey do" list. I tear out magazine pictures and say "I want one of these" and he builds it. He is in Arkansas working for several weeks and couldn't be here. I was not very excited about Valentine's Day... figured I'd get flowers (too expensive, rather pick my own) candy (don't need it and prefer a Milky Way bar) or jewelry (gets in the way, my chickens peck at anything shiny). Valentine's Day a man drove up in a pickup loaded down with work tools. He said he was here to deliver my present. For YEARS, I've wanted a window installed above my kitchen sink, and that's exactly what I got. I was so excited! I look out this window many many times a day and think about what a great guy I have. I can't wait to look out and see him driving up the driveway.
It's hard being a single Mom, especially keeping Caleb entertained. I can't take him hunting so he is bored when Brian's gone. We recently drove a few miles north and went tubing in NC. Here are some pics. Love you guys!
1 comment:
What a sweet Valentine! I'm with you on the whole flowers/candy thing. Jewelry would be okay but I'd love to have handy-man stuff done around the house more!
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