I have finally returned. I can't believe it's been so long since I blogged until I looked at my friend's blogs today and had to go WAY back to catch up. My family and I have been sick, but my time has mostly been consumed with a battle with our state politicians. We are desperately fighting school consolidation here in South Carolina. I won't go into it, because I could write a book... let's just say it is a David and Goliath fight and Goliath has lots of money and lawyers. I would appreciate any ammunition you might have on school consolidation and I would really appreciate your prayers on this matter.
Enough about that. Since I don't sleep much... so I have been quilting and crocheting. I'm not much of a TV person. I have made some great headbands for my daughter. I have a picture of my son with one on (she wouldn't pose). I made my son a razorback quilt. So I guess I have accomplished some things in the last few weeks, but it doesn't seem like it.
I really miss my Arkansas friends. I look forward to emails and love to hear about things going on there. Keep me posted!
When did you become so domesticated? My spelling is poor. quilts, crocheting???? Who are you and what did you do with Vicky?????
Great to see you back blogging. I will update soon.
Ok, I love the headband - you might have to send me one. Chloe would love it! I can't believe that you have become such a Martha Stewart - where is Vicster? I miss you!!!
I can't believe you made Caleb pose with a headband!!! You are a hoot! And he is a good sport! I am glad you are back to blogging! What did the dr say today?! Email me! Love ya, friend.
I'm diggin' Caleb with that headband. I need your email address so I can send you a link to Baby Boy Egg pictures. Did Becky give you my email address? If not, tell her to give it to you and then please email me!
Harrison is a miniature version of his daddy...He is so stinkin' cute!!! And loves to sleep on his mommy. :) I'm good with that.
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