Since this blog is sort of a journal for me, I want to wish myself Happy Anniversary. We have been married 15 years today. I wanted to get married on April Fools Day as I thought that would be a good legal strategy to get out of it easily if I wanted to. You know... the old "just kidding" defense. I've never actually considered leaving Brian, but I have thought about killing him a time or two. I could never kill him because I'd have to change my email address. That would be even too tacky for me!!! We've made it so far though and I don't regret a minute of it. We went to Hawaii back in November for our anniversary. I've never had a desire to go to Hawaii, Alaska and New Zealand are my dream trips. But the trip was free and well... it was Hawaii or downtown Spartanburg for our special treat. So today I'm trying to finish my Hawaii photo album and reliving a little Oloha! Hawaii was the most beautiful place I've ever been. It is sensory overload in the natural beauty department, especially Kauai. Experiencing Hawaii was such a blessing of God's gift to us in nature.I highly recommend it, plus there are chickens everywhere! However, I am one of very few that appreciated them - especially when they crowed at 4:00 a.m.every day.
Happy Anniversary from the Eggs! I remember when you guys got engaged - so exciting!!
i just figured out who this is. hey guys. i miss ya'll. get brian over to my blog so he can see some hunting pictures
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