A friend is posting 1000 things to be thankful for. That motivated me to see how quickly I could come up with 1000 things. Well, it doesn't take long! Here are two of my favorites. My view that I wake up to every morning. There is always a fog at the bottom of the hill, sometimes with deer feeding. It's almost spooky as they move around in the fog, but I love it and its constant changing with the seasons. This is one of the reasons I won't leave my house and move back to Arkansas. My other is flowers. I LOVE flowers. They are one of God's greatest inventions. This flower keeps coming back year after year and it blooms from November to May. It is the best thing during those cold winter months too see this every morning on my porch. It reminds me that no matter how bleak and awful things look, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for!
Shelby had her first sleepover party this past weekend. Neither of my kids like to spend the night anywhere else but home. Shelby wants everyone to stay in one house, even grandparents. I worry that she's a future commune resident. Anyhow, I worried so about her party and expected a midnight call. I picked her up the next morning (yes, I was one of the first moms there) and she was lit up. She said, Mom, that was the BEST sleepover I've ever had! She things she's a pro now.
My mom is still sick, but she is eating some. She wanted mexican tonight, and kept it down! She goes back the doc on Friday, I'll keep you posted.
Brian got called out to Ft. Worth Texas. He may be gone a week or 6 months, who knows? Please pray for his safety. Pray for me too as I now have to do all the mowing and bushhogging around here, not the mention Caleb's soccer team and my new position as coach. What a joke that is. It's always very hard for a week or so when Brian leaves. I get used to it and then it's difficult when her returns! He loves adjuster work though, so I'm very happy that he got called out. He's much happier when he's challenged... you'd think living with me would be enough of that.
I remember when Brad had to go to Cincinnati for six weeks of adjuster school - I got so used to him being gone. His return was an adjustment for both of us. And then one year he went to Mobile for two weeks after a hurricane - I got really used to him being gone. I can't imagine him being gone like that now - I'd drive my car off a cliff. ;) I hope he stays safe! And I hope you do well while he's gone.
By the way, what a beautiful view from your house!!!
Hey girl,
I just heard from Becky about your mom. I am praying for you and for her. I had no idea that all this was going on. What in the world? How can I help you? Please keep me posted. I love ya
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