Most of you know that we've had a crisis with my Mom. She has been very ill for about 10 months. She has been to numerous doctors and had numerous test. She was put in the hospital last week with kidney failure, yet another new symptom. She had decided she would not see a new doctor, refused more tests,etc. She was frustrated and just wanted to go home and die in her own bed. Well, they finally discovered she has a rare disease call amyloidosis. She's had a bone marrow biopsy (clear, PTL) and a kidney biopsy (don't know yet). She's hoping to come home today or tomorrow. Her spirits are much better since getting a diagnosis, even though it isn's a great one - it could be worse.
Thank you for all your emails and prayers and I will keep you updated.
I'm still trying to be Mom, Dad, and dutiful daughter. I'm counting the days until soccer is over and every evening and Saturday won't be spent watching that very exciting sport.... NOT! I got one of the coveted parking spots Tuesday night where you can watch the game from the vehicle. One minute I was pretending to watch the game (while I secretly read a book) and the next minute Caleb was jumping in the car saying "Wake Up, you missed the game!". Oh well, I've never even been considered for Mother of the Year and guess I won't get it again this year. At least I got a good nap.
Homeschool is very hit and miss these days. i love working in the yard while it's still cool enough to not spontaneously combust into flames which would scare the Shelby, so we have added gardening to our curriculum. Brian put in a HUGE garden... then left, but it's going good so far. Everyone I know may be getting frozen corn and canned green beans for Christmas. We are going to try a Christmas with all homemade gifts.... stop laughing and just be thankful if you aren't on my list. Shelby and I are trying to crochet. My pot holders actually come out in the shape of a pot. I think I could sew two together and maybe make a hat. Shelby's doing better than I. I may go back to quilting. I'll probably cheat and just go buy something that looks homemade. Those little tags that say "Made By Vicki" don't take but just a minute to sew on.
You'd think as busy as I've been that I would have lots to say. Maybe I need to save up all the money I'll save from homemade Christmas gifts and buy me a life. Actually, I'm right where I want to be. I have healthy kids, chickens, a new dog Biscuit (picture) and a hubby sending me money every week!!! Biscuit was a dog that a friend had, she is half welsh corgi and half alaskan husky. She was taking her to the pound because her larger dog abused her. I just couldn't let that happen. I had her for over a week before telling Brian. He didn't ask for a divorce so I guess that means we can keep her. I think she has been abused by humans also, but she's getting "affection overload" at our house and hopefully will heal.
We opened the pool this week, the water is a balmy 62 degrees, but my part polar bear chidren love it. I tried to get in to vacuum. My teeth chattered so that it gave me a headache.
I'm still planning on coming to Arkansas June 5-15 with/without Mom. I hope she can make it. Brian will come up from Ft. Worth and drive back with us. He should be through by then, unless he gets called to Arkansas to work the tornado damage.
Love you guys and see you soon!
I had no idea about your mom! Is this disease treatable?
Cute puppy! I can't imagine Brian saying no to a dog. :)
I hope we get to see you guys while you're here in June. Let us know if Brian gets assigned here for tornado damage. We'll hunt him down. ;)
please get Brian my #. 501-680-9456
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