This is for my friends in Arkansas that have NOT been to visit me (you know who you are and yes, you should feel guilty). Anyhow, this is some pics of our little place in the country. The highlight of Christmas morning for the kids were a basketball for Shelby and a $5 marshmallow shooter for Caleb. Caleb finally put down the shooter and tried out his new skateboard. Nothing like skateboarding in the driveway in your pajamas, it's so nice to live out of town. My favorite thing is a the canning pantry that my wonderful hubby came up with (it has a screen door). I think Country Living should come to my house! Also, here are some pics of two out of FIVE fireplaces I have. That's sounds great except that none of them work and they take up a lot of wall space. It's a great old house... you would know that if you ever came to see me! But since you won't, I'll come see you soon.
We had a great Christmas, quite a bit of company but I'm recovering. I backed into my father in law's car and smacked it pretty good. Hope to laugh about that someday, not today.
I wish you all a great new year!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Are you a pleaser of men?
No, this is not a tipsheet for call girls! I hope the title of this blog does make you think though. I found this verse this morning and wanted to share it.
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10
As I get older, it seems like I'm concerned less and less about pleasing others, but that is just as wrong if I'm not pleasing God. A couple of years ago at Christmas, I rolled out the red carpet some relatives. Apparently I was way to hospitable, because they now come every other year. As I was rolling my carpet back out, I asked myself... why do I do these things? I'm stressed, therefore my family is stressed. "Family is as Mama does." You have to be a "suthner" to understand that one.
A dear friend told me that all this cooking,cleaning, planning activites, etc. is entertainment... TRUE hospitality is opening up a can of soup, making a PBJ, and sitting down for a nice chat with a cup of coffee. I'm planning on somewhere in the middle this year, maybe PBJ's will be on the menu next year.
Anyhow, I'm really trying to cut back on all the "to-do's" just to please others and make a good impression. I want to please God, not in-laws!!!
I meet many women who are in financial straits because of pleasing others. If you are buying gifts to impress others/guilt/whatever reason, gifts you can't afford...STOP! Most women I counsel are not in a bind because of shoes for themselves. They are in trouble because of what they spend on OTHERS, particularly their kids. I think they greatest thing you can give your kids is love of Christ, love of family, and good money mangement skills. Enough said because I could write a book on this subject.
Back to Galatians... just take a few minutes before you commit to something this holiday whether it involves money, time, or just another casserole. Is it pleasing to God or man?
Most days I don't feel very pleasing to God so I try to surround myself with godly women. I figure they will be willing to distract St. Peter at the gates if need be while I sneak by. Some of us are here to make rules, some of us to break them. Life should be a joy not a chore... so roll up that red carpet and offer the number for the closest hotel... I did and it will truly be a blessed Christmas.
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10
As I get older, it seems like I'm concerned less and less about pleasing others, but that is just as wrong if I'm not pleasing God. A couple of years ago at Christmas, I rolled out the red carpet some relatives. Apparently I was way to hospitable, because they now come every other year. As I was rolling my carpet back out, I asked myself... why do I do these things? I'm stressed, therefore my family is stressed. "Family is as Mama does." You have to be a "suthner" to understand that one.
A dear friend told me that all this cooking,cleaning, planning activites, etc. is entertainment... TRUE hospitality is opening up a can of soup, making a PBJ, and sitting down for a nice chat with a cup of coffee. I'm planning on somewhere in the middle this year, maybe PBJ's will be on the menu next year.
Anyhow, I'm really trying to cut back on all the "to-do's" just to please others and make a good impression. I want to please God, not in-laws!!!
I meet many women who are in financial straits because of pleasing others. If you are buying gifts to impress others/guilt/whatever reason, gifts you can't afford...STOP! Most women I counsel are not in a bind because of shoes for themselves. They are in trouble because of what they spend on OTHERS, particularly their kids. I think they greatest thing you can give your kids is love of Christ, love of family, and good money mangement skills. Enough said because I could write a book on this subject.
Back to Galatians... just take a few minutes before you commit to something this holiday whether it involves money, time, or just another casserole. Is it pleasing to God or man?
Most days I don't feel very pleasing to God so I try to surround myself with godly women. I figure they will be willing to distract St. Peter at the gates if need be while I sneak by. Some of us are here to make rules, some of us to break them. Life should be a joy not a chore... so roll up that red carpet and offer the number for the closest hotel... I did and it will truly be a blessed Christmas.
The Leg O' Lamp
I guess I need to explain the photo from my Christmas blog. A friend called and asked what it was. It is my most special Christmas decoration of all, the leg lamp or Leg O' Lamp as some call it. If you have never seen A Christmas Story, go rent it. If you don't laugh... please go buy yourself a sense of humor. We love this movie, it brings back many childhood memories. One Christmas we found a mannequin leg in someone's trash and we just couldn't pass it up. We made this leg lamp, just like the one in the movie and gave it to my Dad. We even boxed it up like it came from Italy (see movie). Anyhow, I've had it for several years now and it always makes me smile. I would love to leave it out all year, but I don't think hubby would care for that. However, I do leave out a couple of items all year... a special ornament made by a friend and a cyprus knee Santa from a great road trip with Mom. They make me happy and shouldn't we have a little Christmas all year? We are so grateful for God sending us his son at this time of year... shouldn't we be just at thankful the rest of the time? I find myself doing a lot more giving of thanks and praise rather than asking for something during this holiday time. Wouldn't it be great if I could keep that up for 364 more days!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
That time of year... the Christmas funk

It is happening again, just like it has for several years. Thanksgiving is over, the dishes are washed, the Tupperware has all been burped, and I'm ready to decorate. I'm all excited as I put on my favorite Christmas cd's and start to pull tubs out of the attic. To understand my yearly dilemma, you must know about the "tubs". My husband, i.e. Scrooge said many years ago "ENOUGH, you are going to get your Christmas down to where it will all fit in the tubs". (I have red/green tubs for Christmas, pink for Easter, black/orange for Halloween... I know, I have an illness.) Anyhow, I - being the obedient wife did as commanded and got all my Christmas into the tubs. He never needs to know I just simply purchased more tubs. Anyhow, back to the I was dropping one of many 20 lb. tubs down the stairs to a waiting Ebenezer, he said what he always says. "I don't see what all these decorations have to do with the meaning of Christmas?" Now, I do realize that he is 100% correct, but I'm not going there. I decided I did not want to argue this year, so I sweetly replied that he was right and that maybe we shouldn't bother with the tubs this year. I also said that really"NOTHING we do is relative to the real meaning of Christmas. I will not make dressing and turkey (his most favorite meal), I can return all the presents, we will do nothing special for Christmas... and you can tell the kids!"
Once again, crisis averted and the tubs were all removed from the attic. However, I must admit something is different this year. Maybe its age, maybe its because my kids are too old for Santa, maybe its hormones. But maybe, just maybe it the Holy Spirit... because the tubs are still sitting here, a week later. I don't feel like decorating. I do feel that we do lot of things this time of year that has nothing to do with God sending Jesus to this earth. Are we more thankful for that close parking spot at Wal-mart than for God's own son? Am I much more concerned about getting an annoying relative out of my hair rather than in to heaven? I think this will be a different Christmas. We will have a simple barn service on Christmas Eve. I have limited my giving, already returned some presents- to a local orphanage. I don't want my kids to just know the real meaning of Christmas... I want them to live it, everyday. There will never be a "tubless" Christmas at my house, but I'm determined there will never be a pointless Christmas either.
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