Monday, December 17, 2007

The Leg O' Lamp

I guess I need to explain the photo from my Christmas blog. A friend called and asked what it was. It is my most special Christmas decoration of all, the leg lamp or Leg O' Lamp as some call it. If you have never seen A Christmas Story, go rent it. If you don't laugh... please go buy yourself a sense of humor. We love this movie, it brings back many childhood memories. One Christmas we found a mannequin leg in someone's trash and we just couldn't pass it up. We made this leg lamp, just like the one in the movie and gave it to my Dad. We even boxed it up like it came from Italy (see movie). Anyhow, I've had it for several years now and it always makes me smile. I would love to leave it out all year, but I don't think hubby would care for that. However, I do leave out a couple of items all year... a special ornament made by a friend and a cyprus knee Santa from a great road trip with Mom. They make me happy and shouldn't we have a little Christmas all year? We are so grateful for God sending us his son at this time of year... shouldn't we be just at thankful the rest of the time? I find myself doing a lot more giving of thanks and praise rather than asking for something during this holiday time. Wouldn't it be great if I could keep that up for 364 more days!

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

Tom and Nancy bought Wade one and it is in his office year my chagrin! I hate it! Can't wait to see you!