You guys should have been at my house last night, I threw a big pity party... for myself. It has been a busy week and I was very discouraged because there was a pile of laundry and the house was a wreck. Everything looked just like it did a week ago, before I cleaned and did laundry all day! So why bother? If you look up scullery maid in the dictionary..... there's my picture!! So instead of staying up until midnight to get some things done, I read and went to bed early. That is a treat for me.
But I got up this morning with a new attitude and what do I read first thing? She tends to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Prov. 31:27 Talk about a guilt trip. Other than the eating the bread part, I hate that verse sometimes.
When my husband and I were dating, we hiked up Pinnacle Mountain one evening. He pulled out a small bible and read Proverbs 31 to me. He said he had found his Proverbs 31 woman and I was very upset. I thought he was telling me he had found someone else, but he was proposing!!! I don't think I'm that kind of women, but he seems to think so and still does after 15 years.
I've decided it changes, TODAY. Instead of thinking about all the bread of idleness that I don't get to eat today... I'll be thankful to have a house to clean, clothes to wash, and dishes to hide from my husband. You girls can have your shoes and clothes, give me dishes and books!
I must go, I have to practice my Proverbs.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A REAL snow day!!!

After our pretend snow day on Monday, we had a real snow day on Thursday. We knew Wednesday night that there would not be any school on Thursday.... so I was so looking forward to sleeping late. Of course, before 7:00 a.m. I had two little Michelin man looking children standing over me..."let's go, let's go!" So we sledded all morning, then a huge breakfast! So much for weight watchers, hopefully I sledded some of it off. I spend the afternoon sewing while the kids played outside. It was an awesome day! Here is a pic.
Today (Saturday) it is snowing very heavily as I write. It's too warm to stick, but I would love to have about 2 feet by morning. I know it will never happen here, but I can wish! If the Lord ever chooses to answer my 8 year old's prayers, we will have lots of snow!
I have been getting ready to do our taxes, yuk! and also reviewed our 2007 expenses with the hubby this morning, double yuk! However, he took it pretty well. We have not lived within our means, but have been extremely blessed. I'm big on number crunching and I still can't figure out where some of the money comes from, it's a God thang!!! I am very concerned about our economy. As I prepare our budget for the upcoming year, I know we will be tightening our belts because I think things will get much worse. I try not to be a pessimist, but I think the bubble has to burst. Just remember, God is in control. As we have elections here today, I repeated that over and over.
I think I will go out and enjoy the snow, it may be years before we see it again!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Snow Day

Living in the south, we hardly ever get a snow day. My son was out of school Monday and happens to be on crutches temporarily. Since he can't play and I wanted to stay home, I declared it a snow day. My kids got the cook hot dogs over a fire while sipping hot chocolate. I wanted to pretend the power was out, but I was dying to sew. My kids played games or watched videos all day and let me have a whole day to myself (sort of) which is a very rare event. I had an hour of quiet time, which is unheard of, finished a book, and made a quilt for a very special young lady (see pics). My daughter even helped and she's only 8! I know everyday can't be such a perfect day. If everyday were like this one, it would not be so greatly appreciated. Most days include so much business, that I seldom have time to really think about things. I have time to worry about them, but not truly reflect. I think a lot of us are not to busy to pray about things, but we don't have time to listen to God's answers... kind of counter-productive don't you think? I love the verse Be still and know that I am God. I plan to take more snow days and listen to the still small voice.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Lessons from quilting
Two blogs in one morning? Can you tell I'm avoiding cleaning my house? I just wanted to share what I've learned from quilting. It is truly a labor of love, those amish women that charge $800 for a quilt earn every penny of it!!! If I had to choose between prostitution (stop laughing) and quilting for a living... let's just say I'd be sore and it wouldn't be my fingers. Anyhow, one thing I've grown to appreciate through quilting is the big picture. You can't see it when your head is bent and you're feverishly working on a quilt (or life). Even when you look up and try to view the big pic (or dream it) you just can't see it... only God can sometimes, but it's still there. That's the main thing. Here are a few other things that have been brought to my attention through quilting.
1. Listen to advice of others that have been there... no, don't just listen but treasure this advice.
2. Don't hurry with something that is a worthwhile project (see my first quilt).
3. Invest in the good stuff if you want it to last, i.e. don't buy fabric at Wal-Mart (again, see 1st quilt).
4. Any great endeavor requires blood, sweat, and tears but it's worth it (see several squares of 1st quilt, do you notice a pattern here?)
5. When you are doing something for someone, focus on the love you have for that special person, not the project at hand. I love to quilt for someone special but you couldn't pay me enough to do it for a stranger. If I get frustrated, I think about how special this person is and how much they will enjoy this quilt. This frame of mind also comes in handy when you have to clean up throw up at 3 a.m.
My children are drawing pictures on the furniture dust... I must get busy.
1. Listen to advice of others that have been there... no, don't just listen but treasure this advice.
2. Don't hurry with something that is a worthwhile project (see my first quilt).
3. Invest in the good stuff if you want it to last, i.e. don't buy fabric at Wal-Mart (again, see 1st quilt).
4. Any great endeavor requires blood, sweat, and tears but it's worth it (see several squares of 1st quilt, do you notice a pattern here?)
5. When you are doing something for someone, focus on the love you have for that special person, not the project at hand. I love to quilt for someone special but you couldn't pay me enough to do it for a stranger. If I get frustrated, I think about how special this person is and how much they will enjoy this quilt. This frame of mind also comes in handy when you have to clean up throw up at 3 a.m.
My children are drawing pictures on the furniture dust... I must get busy.

If you don't enjoy quilts.. don't read this one. I know you're thinking 'I thought this was Vicki's blog?" Just because I'm not Martha Stewart doesn't mean I can't quilt. People seem so surprised that I can actually make a quilt... is that a compliment? Anyhow, I'm including some pictures of Shelby's quilt, my Mom's quilt, and my first quilt I made. I'm also showing Shelby's room which her babysitter painted for her. You thought I did that? Are you kidding, I can't draw stick men. I'm not allowed to play pictionary with my family. They fight over who "has to take mommy" on their team. Anyhow, I hopy you enjoy these pics. Again, I must say that if you'd come visit me you would have already seen these items.
I had a great time in Arkansas, it always makes me want to move back but I'm getting over it. We are 4 hours from the beach and hope to drive 2 hrs. to snow ski next week. We don't have tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes. I'm too old and fat to survive an Arkansas August again. I have a great old farmhouse with a few acres. Arkansas will truly always be home, but South Carolina is "where I stays". I miss you guys and hope to visit again soon.
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