Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo, what a ride!!!"
Couldn't find the Biblical reference for this verse, but I'm sure it's there somewhere and I'll keep looking.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Lake Lure trip

We had a great time at Lake Lure, it is absolutely one of the most beautiful lakes I've ever seen. Four days with no guys, chocolate, and lots of books.... it was heaven! Shelby and I swam and got in the sauna every day. We played miniature golf, worked on our crocheting, and watched tv (a rare treat for me!). We walked to the pool one morning (inside pool) and when we came out in our suits and flip-flops... it was snowing! All the trees and forsythia were in full bloom and it was snowing like crazy!
I forgot my camera, so I got a disposable and will have pics at a later date.
My Mom had her biopsy this morning. Everything went well. They got a nice size sample and we will know something in a day or two. She got very nauseated, so they gave her something to knock her our for the rest of the day. I haven't talked to her yet, but will see her tomorrow.
I know this is tacky, but hey... it's me! Here is a picture from my cousins funeral. He had a camouflage casket, and as you can tell the pallbearers wore camo too. However the flower adds a nice touch. His funeral wreaths said Gone Fishin' or Gone Huntin'. What you can't see are the deer antlers on the ends and his buddies favorites hats/fishing lures inside. I've decided if he can do this... I can do what I want. I'm writing my will to be cremated and scattered at my favorite local flea market. I've asked a friend to just put me in a holy pocket and give it a little shake as she walks around.
I'll keep you posted on Mama Lou. I appreciate all your prayers and thoughts. Love you guys! Vic
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Family news

There is good news and bad. Here is the good news, this is one of my new day old chicks. They are so tiny, they fit in a dixie cup. They like to spend time in the pocket of my old flannel shirt because I am their momma. They chirp loudly when they want out to eat and poop, then they want back in.
The bad news is that we've had another death in the family. We were all out for lunch Saturday having a great time. My mom seems so relaxed and in good spirits. She was looking so forward to our "girls only" vacation to Lake Lure next week and had a great attitude about her mother passing away. She got a phone call and I knew immediately that something was wrong. My cousin, Mark (MamaLou's sister's son) lives in northern Arkansas and had a heart attack. He was in a coma and they felt sure there was brain damage due to lack of oxygen. He never woke up and died last night. My aunt just lost her mom and now a son. The worst thing is that she is not sure he is in heaven right now. Mark was a great guy. He would do anything for you. As children, we spent many summers at their farm. Mark was always the peacemaker. He would step in when we crossed the line picking on my nerdy brothers, and it was usually me crossing that line. We couldn't go to the local swimming hole until all the eggs were gathered from their commercial chicken houses. I was terrified of these chickens and very slow to finish my row. Everyone else left me and headed to the swimming hole. Mark always stayed and helped me gather eggs. One time I got bit by a Shetland pony on my leg. Mark carried me for almost 2 miles back to the house. These are the memories I have of Mark. However, as an adult he had a rough life. A back injury lead to addiction to pain killers and heavy drinking. He's always smoked heavily too. Years ago, doctors warned him to quit smoking/drinking in order to live, but he would not quit. He was one of five siblings, but I think he was his mama's favorite. He was always my favorite cousin.
Anyhow, my mom is leaving at 4am in the morning to come back to Arkansas. There are supposed to be severe storms today, so they are waiting until tomorrow. She has had to cancel her biopsy AGAIN! I know her oncologist is put out, just pray he will be willing to reschedule ASAP.
Please pray for my aunt. She has had a very difficult year. She is losing sight in one eye and her eye bleeds. She has been the one to deal with my grandmother for the last year and her ordeals. She has now lost her mother and son in a couple of weeks.
We also found out that my Dad's kidney's are shutting down. He has canceled his doctor appointment also regarding that.
Other than lots of worrying, we are doing fine here. Soccer is starting up, so life is a little crazy for about 8 weeks. Shelby and I are still going to Lake Lure, but we are taking Caleb out of school for a few days so that the boys can join us midweek. I'm looking forward to a couple of days of HGTV, chocolate, and reading... I'm just not sure I can do it justice without my Mom or Becky.
I'll keep you guys posted. Please pray for my Mama Lou, she is extremely stressed and does not feel well at all.
Love you guys!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What makes your day?
I have been in kind of a funk lately, a little stressed. Now you girls can have your jewelry and roses... my husband really knows how to cheer a girl up. He brought home baby chicks last night. I was so happy!!! They are about 3 in. tall, named chocolate and butterfinger (the kids get to name all our pets). Even if you don't like chickens, you have to admit these are adorable. I have felt guilty because I don't feel grief over my grandmother dying, but more like relief. It's the first death I've experienced that has made me feel that way and it seems strange. Anyhow, I feel much better. I also finished a scarf while sitting in car line every day. Here's a pic with Shelby wearing it. You would know what an accomplishment this is for me if you had seen me trying to learn to crochet. I'm sure I've unraveled more than I've crocheted. Thanks Leah!
Mom and I had a girl day yesterday which meant eating at our favorite Chinese place (Grandpa won't go to a chinese place). Then we went shopping at our favorite stores, Hobby Lobby, Tuesday Morning, and of course the new Goodwill store. I marked my calendar yesterday. It was the first time in history that I didn't spend a dime while shopping at Hobby Lobby, I was so proud. However, I did find quite the bargains at Goodwill. Our Goodwill's are not at all like the ones in Arkansas, they are very nice, clean, and don't smell like urine (that's my memory of stores there, sorry). Some have upscale sections with only name brands and even have theft monitors in the clothing! My children think Goodwill and Kohl's are the only place you can shop for clothes. I haven't set foot in a mall clothing store in 7 years. Shelby loves the mall but all she wants to do is ride the escalator and eat at the food court. She cares nothing for shopping so it is a great outing for her and Grandpa.
Well, I'm rambling so that must mean I feel better huh?
Anyhow, I just wanted to show off my chickens. It's a good thing I don't live there anymore or I'd be giving you all baby chicks.... just try to tell your kids no to one of those!
See ya!
Mom and I had a girl day yesterday which meant eating at our favorite Chinese place (Grandpa won't go to a chinese place). Then we went shopping at our favorite stores, Hobby Lobby, Tuesday Morning, and of course the new Goodwill store. I marked my calendar yesterday. It was the first time in history that I didn't spend a dime while shopping at Hobby Lobby, I was so proud. However, I did find quite the bargains at Goodwill. Our Goodwill's are not at all like the ones in Arkansas, they are very nice, clean, and don't smell like urine (that's my memory of stores there, sorry). Some have upscale sections with only name brands and even have theft monitors in the clothing! My children think Goodwill and Kohl's are the only place you can shop for clothes. I haven't set foot in a mall clothing store in 7 years. Shelby loves the mall but all she wants to do is ride the escalator and eat at the food court. She cares nothing for shopping so it is a great outing for her and Grandpa.
Well, I'm rambling so that must mean I feel better huh?
Anyhow, I just wanted to show off my chickens. It's a good thing I don't live there anymore or I'd be giving you all baby chicks.... just try to tell your kids no to one of those!
See ya!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Update on the family
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, life gets a little crazy sometimes. My grandmother passed away this past week. She had been in a home and had dementia. She was a very sweet person but had a personality change with this condition. Someone said dementia will make you the opposite of your normal personality. My hubby says there is hope for me afterall to someday be a sweet subservient wife. Thank goodness! by then I'll be so old I won't have to remember it! My mom may possibly have lymphoma, but the death of nannie has put that diagnosis on hold. Mama Lou (what everyone calls my mom) needs to concentrate on her own health and hopefully that will happen now. My poor hubby has been in extreme pain for a week with an abscessed tooth. We've all had the flu. Life has been so much fun for the past few weeks. It could be worse.... I could be pregnant and look like my driver's license!
I'm going away with my mom and daughter for a week to Lake Lure NC in a couple of weeks. I can't wait!!! Then it's off for a family camping trip for a few days. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers over the last few weeks. I really hope my life will get back on schedule and maybe I can blog then. I miss you guys, hope to see you in June!
I'm going away with my mom and daughter for a week to Lake Lure NC in a couple of weeks. I can't wait!!! Then it's off for a family camping trip for a few days. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers over the last few weeks. I really hope my life will get back on schedule and maybe I can blog then. I miss you guys, hope to see you in June!
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