There is good news and bad. Here is the good news, this is one of my new day old chicks. They are so tiny, they fit in a dixie cup. They like to spend time in the pocket of my old flannel shirt because I am their momma. They chirp loudly when they want out to eat and poop, then they want back in.
The bad news is that we've had another death in the family. We were all out for lunch Saturday having a great time. My mom seems so relaxed and in good spirits. She was looking so forward to our "girls only" vacation to Lake Lure next week and had a great attitude about her mother passing away. She got a phone call and I knew immediately that something was wrong. My cousin, Mark (MamaLou's sister's son) lives in northern Arkansas and had a heart attack. He was in a coma and they felt sure there was brain damage due to lack of oxygen. He never woke up and died last night. My aunt just lost her mom and now a son. The worst thing is that she is not sure he is in heaven right now. Mark was a great guy. He would do anything for you. As children, we spent many summers at their farm. Mark was always the peacemaker. He would step in when we crossed the line picking on my nerdy brothers, and it was usually me crossing that line. We couldn't go to the local swimming hole until all the eggs were gathered from their commercial chicken houses. I was terrified of these chickens and very slow to finish my row. Everyone else left me and headed to the swimming hole. Mark always stayed and helped me gather eggs. One time I got bit by a Shetland pony on my leg. Mark carried me for almost 2 miles back to the house. These are the memories I have of Mark. However, as an adult he had a rough life. A back injury lead to addiction to pain killers and heavy drinking. He's always smoked heavily too. Years ago, doctors warned him to quit smoking/drinking in order to live, but he would not quit. He was one of five siblings, but I think he was his mama's favorite. He was always my favorite cousin.
Anyhow, my mom is leaving at 4am in the morning to come back to Arkansas. There are supposed to be severe storms today, so they are waiting until tomorrow. She has had to cancel her biopsy AGAIN! I know her oncologist is put out, just pray he will be willing to reschedule ASAP.
Please pray for my aunt. She has had a very difficult year. She is losing sight in one eye and her eye bleeds. She has been the one to deal with my grandmother for the last year and her ordeals. She has now lost her mother and son in a couple of weeks.
We also found out that my Dad's kidney's are shutting down. He has canceled his doctor appointment also regarding that.
Other than lots of worrying, we are doing fine here. Soccer is starting up, so life is a little crazy for about 8 weeks. Shelby and I are still going to Lake Lure, but we are taking Caleb out of school for a few days so that the boys can join us midweek. I'm looking forward to a couple of days of HGTV, chocolate, and reading... I'm just not sure I can do it justice without my Mom or Becky.
I'll keep you guys posted. Please pray for my Mama Lou, she is extremely stressed and does not feel well at all.
Love you guys!
Oh girl - your family will definitely be in my prayers.
Have a great, relaxing time on your get-away. And could that little chick be any cuter!!!
Brad says hi to you and yours!
Friend, I sure wish I lived close by so that I could be there for you! I am sorry there is sooo much going on right now. I am praying for you, friend. Love ya and I wish I could be there for the HGTV, chocolate and reading.......in our pjs!
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