If you don't enjoy quilts.. don't read this one. I know you're thinking 'I thought this was Vicki's blog?" Just because I'm not Martha Stewart doesn't mean I can't quilt. People seem so surprised that I can actually make a quilt... is that a compliment? Anyhow, I'm including some pictures of Shelby's quilt, my Mom's quilt, and my first quilt I made. I'm also showing Shelby's room which her babysitter painted for her. You thought I did that? Are you kidding, I can't draw stick men. I'm not allowed to play pictionary with my family. They fight over who "has to take mommy" on their team. Anyhow, I hopy you enjoy these pics. Again, I must say that if you'd come visit me you would have already seen these items.
I had a great time in Arkansas, it always makes me want to move back but I'm getting over it. We are 4 hours from the beach and hope to drive 2 hrs. to snow ski next week. We don't have tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes. I'm too old and fat to survive an Arkansas August again. I have a great old farmhouse with a few acres. Arkansas will truly always be home, but South Carolina is "where I stays". I miss you guys and hope to visit again soon.
1 comment:
Hey, which one is your first quilt? I love these pictures! I really, really want you to teach me how to quilt! You did an awesome job on all of them! I sure which you lived closer and by the way, you won't be too fat to live in AR for too much longer, right?! :D
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